
ENGIVE – (“the Company”) is a Section 42 company formed by Engro Foundation (EF) and granted license by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan on April 04, 2019. The company commenced its operations on June, 21, 2019.

The principle objectives of the Company are to create improved social conditions for the poor and take all such actions necessary in furtherance of its goal to alleviate poverty, enhance income, create economic opportunities and create positive environmental impact in the country. The Company will form or establish any form of social business/enterprise to achieve these objectives and/or support any social business/enterprise with similar objectives by way of startup seed money or any other manner.

ENGIVE’s first venture is FeeSol, a social enterprise that manufactures and distributes animal fodder to the small, medium and commercial dairy farmers. The main products of FeedSol include maize silage and concentrates. Maize silage has two SKUs: 60 kg and 1 ton bale. The 60 kg bale size will primarily cater to the demand generated by small and medium farmers and help these farmers increase their yields and break out of the poverty cycle.

The silage business has a proven economic impact and will help farmers increase milk yields and household income.FeedSol in its initial plans, aims to fulfill nutritional needs of around 160,000 animals per year growing annually at a rate of 10%; this includes 40% livestock owned by small farmers and 60% owned by medium farmers, thus helping ENGIVE’s mission of alleviating poverty. You can find more about FeedSol at www.feedsol.com

vision for engro corporation

To be the premier Pakistani enterprise with a global reach, passionately pursuing value creation for all stakeholders

mission for engro corporation

Unlocking Pakistan’s potential through globally competitive, inclusive solutions to today’s most pressing issues.


Engive’s leadership comprises of bright and experienced individuals, responsible for conceptualizing and articulating goals that enable growth and prosperity for Pakistan. They lead the company with firm commitment to the values and spirit of Engro. In our journey to become a growth-oriented and sustainable company, our management structure has evolved to create a more transparent and accessible organization.

board of directors

The Board is primarily responsible for establishing corporate strategy and company’s business objectives, and ensuring the appropriate review of future company plans, good governance, and effective control systems.

corporate governance

The Board is primarily responsible for establishing corporate strategy and company’s business objectives, and ensuring the appropriate review of future company plans, good governance, and effective control systems.

governance principles

shared value creation

‘ENGIVE is committed to creating shared value. For any intervention to have lasting impact we must ensure that it is connected to a larger value chain. Hence at ENGIVE we look at all the stakeholders who are connected to our business value chains and enable them through improving their skills, access to capital, market linkages and knowledge base to work towards a more prosperous future. To achieve this goal ENGIVE plans to set up various social enterprises/impact ventures that will not only plug gaps in the business value chains but will also help those at the bottom of the pyramid thus creating shared value for all its stakeholders

sustainability and scalability

Sustainable projects are initiatives that are built to last. Our projects utilize funding for critical lift off but then have a great outlook for survival after that. We look for interventions that involve all stakeholders of a community and bring permanent positive change

Our projects are scalable and impact largest number of people possible. We achieve this via extensive planning at the design stage to ensure that our work is replicable across geographical regions.

understanding sustainable impact

Sustainable projects are initiatives that are built to last. Our projects utilize funding for critical lift off but then have a great outlook for survival after that. We look for interventions that involve all stakeholders of a community and bring permanent positive change. Our projects are scalable and impact largest number of people possible. We achieve this via extensive planning at the design stage to ensure that our work is replicable across geographical regions.

investor contacts


shareholder contact

If you are a shareholder, you can contact us for further information.

8-F, Next to Hotel Faran, Nursery, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan.
email: info.shares@famco.com.pk   UAN: +92 3438 0101-5, +92 3438 4621-3 fax: +92 21 3438 0106

investor complaints

You can also contact us if you have questions or comments about investment matters.

Engive Corporation Limited
8th Floor, The Harbour Front Building, HC # 3, Marine Drive, Block 4, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.
email: investor.relations@engro.com UAN: +92 21 111 211 211 fax: +92 213 529 5948
DISCLAIMER: In case your complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaint with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”). However, please note that SECP will entertain only those complaints which were at first directly requested to be redressed by the Company and the company has failed to redress the same. Further, the complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory domain/competence shall not be entertained.

regulatory requirements

We want to keep our investors and analysts well informed about our business. This section will keep you up-to-date with the developments at Engive – from upcoming projects to the impact created.


company registration


status of the company

registered under section 42 of companies act

legal advisor

Yaqub Kapadia

auditors of the company


subsidiary / associated companies details

engro corporation
engro foundation

media gallery

contact us

Engive Corporation Limited

8th Floor, The Harbour Front Building, HC # 3, Marine Drive, Block 4, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.
+92 21 111 211 211
+92 21 3529 5948